
You are the Fingerband! A band of finger heroes tasked with defending the desserts from the Prying Eyes. Place a pair of fingers and stretch a rubber band between to create a catapult. Use your catapults to fight the ocular seers with paper hornets, thumbtacks and markers. Whatever you do, do not let them embed in the cake! A game of skill and tactics designed for tablet.


Inspiration for the Fingerband! mechanics came while imagining how traps might work in Dwerg Saga. Taking a break from Dwerg Saga to collaborate on a short game, the size and pacing of the tower-defence format felt like a good match. The fingers, cake and eyes were Fin's idea; a nightmarish extrapolation of classroom antics.


  • Combine strategic placement and skillful play.
  • Compete for the highest score.
  • Short and casual.
  • Buy and Sell projectiles, fingers and bands for the best strategy.


Deploy your fingers!YouTube




About Haiku Interactive Limited

Originally a partnership formed to make small, beautiful games, Haiku Interactive is now mostly just Jock Findlay. Primarily devoted to the production of Dwerg Saga, Jock occasionally employs or contracts more creative people.
More information
More information on Haiku Interactive Limited, our logo & relevant media are available here.